Institute of Continuing Education

Campaign picks up an UPCEA gold award for interacative Media.

A first for Cambridge Healthcare Data! Cambridge is a world-renowned centre for research and innovation in healthcare data and presents vibrant opportunities for professionals wanting to develop their skills in health informatic. The Cambridge Healthcare Data Hub provides award-bearing, part-time courses from the University of Cambridge. The programmes advance skills in transforming raw healthcare data into effective tools which can be deployed in research, quality improvement, or commercial arenas.

campaign traffic

The brief

To develop a brand new identity for a Healthcare Data course, combining the renowned academic side of Cambridge and the advancement of data on the healthcare industry.

Our approach

As the course is new to market, the design approach to this campaign was key to its success both in terms
of profile raising and student recruitment. Two core components highlighted how the course addresses the
UK Government’s Industrial and Life Sciences Strategies; ‘people’ and ‘place.

To reflect ‘people’, a core visual concept was developed to put the patient and their healthcare data at the forefront of
the campaign. This design concept established the ever-growing connection between ‘big data’ and advances in
healthcare, whilst communicating the identity of human patients and collected statistical evidence. By using this device, we created intriguing scenarios that immediately establish the flexible and comprehensive nature of the course.

Different executions were designed for each of the three audience groups using course benefits to encourage engagement.

The results

The campaign generated a high level of engagement with:
355,891 impressions and 4,869 views to the dedicated responsive landing page and 17% returning visitors. The landing page traffic equated to 34% of the overall traffic to the ICE website.

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